Toutes directions: Champagne

Champagne area in winter time combined with a pandemic situation feels like a surreal place. Closed restaurants. Empty towns. Grey and unfriendly weather which wants to you to stay inside in front of an oven with a glas of heavy red wine. However we wanted to use the time just before our shoot in Paris to get to know the region better so we took our car and drove randomly through the vineyards and small villages around Épernay. We experienced a warm and welcome tour at Bollinger and we had some amazing food and champagne at “Rôtisserie Henri IV” in Aÿ or in “Au 36…” in Hautvillers.

After two very short days bearthing in a strange but fascinating atmosphere, experiencing a rich history and culture, we defenetly want to come back very soon! There is so much more to explore and so much more people to discover when the champagne are is awaken after hibernation. And more importantly: More chamoagne to drink.


2021 is finding an end at Spielweg


In a narrow side street of Sirolo…